Thursday, December 26, 2019

YouTube makes it easier for creators to address copyright claim disputes with Assisted Trim feature

Copyright claim disputes on YouTube are something creators have to deal with on and off. Now, YouTube wants to make the process of addressing these disputes easier within YouTube Studio.

The latest update to Studio, lets creators get rid of copyright claims from their workspace itself with the option to trim out the disputed content in question. The latest feature called 'Assisted Trim' marks out the endpoints of the edit pre-set to where the disputed content appears in your video. You can directly trim out that portion to get rid of the copyright claim dispute. YouTube will also be allowing adjustable endpoints so that the cut isn't affecting the overall aesthetics of your video — which will be eventually rolled out.

The YouTube app logo is seen on a smartphone. Reuters

Additionally, YouTube will also have a 'Copyright Stike Info' module, which will give you information about your channel's copyright strikes directly on your YouTube Studio Dashboard. "You’ll be able to see which videos were removed, who submitted the copyright takedown notice, and actions you can take to resolve the strike," said the YouTube blog post.

YouTube claims that it wants to be transparent about copyright claims and will be providing more details about the description of the copyrighted work provided by the claimant in the takedown notice. In cases where that information isn't readily available, there will be an option to contact YouTube's copyright team for a copy of the takedown notice.


There will also be a new filter in the Videos page which will let you see which of your videos have been impacted with a Copyright Strike or Content ID claims. "Just click on Copyright claims in the filter. We’ve also added a new ‘Restrictions’ column on the Videos page that provides a more defined entry point for finding details about copyright issues on your video," said the blog post.

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