Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Apple releases iOS 13.5 beta with support for face mask bypass, exposure notification API and more

Apple has released its new beta of iOS 13.5 today and the highlight of this version is the introduction of "exposure notification API".

Now before we go into the details of what exactly is exposure settings API, you should know that Google and Apple have recently teamed up to develop a digital contract tracing tool. This tool is named as exposure notification. It aims to control the spread of Coronavirus.

iPhone. Representative image.

iPhone. Representative image.

The new iOS 13.5 is now available to developers and public health authorities so that it can collect feedback and make changes accordingly.

To bring you up to speed, with this tool, all the Android phones, and iPhone users will be notified if they have come in contact with a Coronavirus patient. The system will make use of Bluetooth on users' devices, that will exchange and record an anonymous identity of all the users that come into close contact, so that if they are tested positive for Coronavirus, everyone who came on their contact will be notified.

The companies plan to embed this tool into the respective operative systems so that the users do not have to manually download their app.

As per a report by MacWorld, due to face masks, iPhone users are facing problems in using FaceIDs. To enter the passcode, first, you have to use FaceID, if it fails then it will give you an option of entering the code. The report reveals that this update has fixed that and now you can enter the passcode without trying the FaceID first.

When you make group FaceTime call, iOS zooms in on the person who is speaking. This works when three or four people are on call but when there are more than that, it becomes very confusing at times. The report reveals that the new update has introduced a new toggle that lets you turn off this feature.

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